Single Port USB to RS-422 485 Hi-Speed Industrial Adapter

Model No. USB-COMi-TB

RS485 Serial Adapter for Factory Automation

Adapting to new technology, the USB-COMi-TB USB to Industrial Single RS-422/485 Adapter is designed to take industrial serial communication port expansion to the next level. Industrial I/O communication port expansion is now an easy and convenient way to connect.

  • Achieves Serial communication through terminal block connection
  • Is automatically detected as a standard Windows COM port with no system conflicts.
  • Ideal solution for Factory Automation Equipment, Bar Code Readers, Scales, or Data Entry Terminals.
  • Uses DIP Switch control for RS422 or RS485 signal selection.


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Model No. USB-COMi-TB

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1 - 4 $69.95
5 - 11 3 % $67.85
12 - 24 5 % $66.45
25 - 49 7 % $65.05
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The USB-COMi-TB USB to RS-422 485 Industrial Single Adapter is designed to make industrial communication port expansion quick and simple. Adapting the new technology, the industrial I/O communication port expansion now takes the new bus with easy and convenient connectivity.

USB-COMi-TB USB to RS-422 485 Industrial Single Adapter image

In connecting the USB-COMi-TB to an available USB port, the adapter is automatically detected and installed as a standard COM port. There are no IRQ & COM port conflicts, since the port doesn’t require any additional IRQ, DMA, memory as resources on the system. The USB to RS-422 /485 port functions as native Windows COM port, and it is compatible with Windows serial communication applications.

USB to RS-422 485 adapter terminal wire view image

The Hi-Speed USB Industrial I/O Adapter provides instant connectivity to RS-422 or RS-485 communication devices for factory automation equipment, multi-drop data collection devices, barcode readers, time clocks, scales , data entry terminals, PC to PC long distance communications and serial communication in harsh environments. The USB Industrial I/O provides industrial solution for applications requiring single node or multi-drop communications over short and long distance.


Additional Features:

Hardware Specifications:

  • Adds one RS-422 or RS-485 serial port by connecting to a USB port
  • One 5-pin terminal block connector for easy wiring
  • No need to open chassis to set operation modes-upper case can be sliding open for easy RS-422, RS-485 mode settings
  • Installed as standard Windows COM port
  • RS-422 data signals: TxD-, TxD+, RxD+, RxD-, GND, RTS-, RTS+, CTS+, CTS-
  • RS-485 4-wire data signals: TxD-, TxD+, RxD+, RxD-
  • RS-485 2-wire data signals: Data-, Data+
  • Automatic transmit and receive control for 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex mode
  • Built-in termination and biasing
  • High speed serial port with baud rate up to 921.6K bps
  • Non-standard baudrates supported
  • LEDs of Power, TxD and RxD for easy port monitoring and diagnostic
  • Serial port protected with surge protection of 10KV
  • Powered by USB port, no external power adapter required
  • Easy plug and play installation and RS-422/485 device connection
  • COM port number assigned can be changed to any COM port number required
  • Works with USB 1.1 & 2.0 host port
  • Item Dimensions: 2.87(L) x 1.77(W) x .957in(H)
  • Length: 3ft.
Operation Mode S1 S2 S3
RS-422 4 wire with Handshaking OFF ON OFF
RS-485 Full Duplex (4 wire) ON ON OFF
Half Duplex (2 wire)
– with Echo
Half Duplex (2 wire)
– without Echo

OS Support:

  • Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10
  • Linux and Mac OS 10.X

Package Contents

  • Single Port USB to RS-422 485 Adapter
  • Driver Disc

Product Specifications

Country of Origin




Physical Characteristics





1 Serial Port

Serial Attributes
Serial Standards

RS422, RS485

OS Support

Win XP, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Linux, Mac OSX

Operating Temperature

0C to 55C



Other Data

5-Pin Terminal Block

Chip Model

FT232RL, MAX3089E


1 year from date of purchase

USB Interface

USB 2.0


.35 lbs


4 × 4 × 2.25 in

UPC: 729440690854

Technical Specifications:

Compliance USB 1.0/1.1 compliant, USB 2.0 compatible
Speed 12 Mbps, full-speed USB
FIFO 128 byte transmit FIFO
384 receive FIFO
Serial Interface
Port Type RS-422/RS-485
Number of Ports 1
Connectors 5-pin terminal block
Serial Line Protection
ESD Protection 10KV
Serial Port Speed
Baudrate 300 bps to 921.6k bps
Serial Communication Parameters
Data Bits 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits 1, 1.5, 2
Parity None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow Control RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF
Serial Signals
RS-422 TxD-(A), TxD+(B), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), GND
RS-485-4 wire TxD-(A), TxD+(B), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), GND
RS-485-2 wire Data-(A), Data+(B), GND
Driver Support
OS Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP (WHQL certified) and 2000
Linux Kernel 2.4 and up built-in support
Power Supply
Input Bus-powered
No external power adapter required
Chassis Plastic, ABS
Operating Temperature 0 to 55 °C (32 to 131 °F)
Operating Humidity 5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature -20 to 75 °C (-4 to 167 °F)
Safety Approvals EN55022 Class B, EN55024, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3
IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5,
IEC 61000-4-6, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-11.
CISPR PUB. 22 and FCC Part 15 Class B.


RS-422 Terminal Block

    RS-422 Signal Pin-outs of Terminal Block

Pin Signal
1 TxD- (A)
2 TxD+(B)
3 RxD+(B)
4 RxD-(A)
RS-485 Terminal Block

   RS-485 4 Wire (Full duplex) Signal Pin-outs of Terminal Block

Pin Signal
1 TxD- (A)
2 TxD+(B)
3 RxD+(B)
4 RxD-(A)

   RS-485 2 Wire (Half duplex) Signal Pin-outs of Terminal Block

Pin Signal
1 Data- (A)
2 Data+(B)

RS-422 Signal Wiring

    Point-to-Point 4 Wire Full Duplex

USB-COMi-TB                                RS-422 Device
 Point-to-Point 4 Wire Full Duplex Diagram

RS-485 Signal Wiring

    Point-to-Point 4 Wire Full Duplex

USB-COMi-TB                                RS-485 Device
Point-to-Point 4 Wire Full Duplex Diagram

    Multidrop RS-485 2-Wire Half-duplex

USB-COMi-TB                                RS-485 Device
 Multidrop RS-485 2-Wire Half-duplex Diagram
Serial F.A.Q.

Product F.A.Q.

View frequently asked product questions below. For all serial troubleshooting, visit this page.
Still need help? Reach out!

  • How do I clean and reinstall my FTDI drivers?
      1. Download the CDM Uninstaller HERE.
      2. Extract the zip file, or open the “CDMuninstallerGUI.exe” utility.
      3. Leave the ‘Vendor ID’ set to 0403 and ‘Product ID’ set to 6001.
      4. Click Add.
      5. Click Remove Devices.
      6. Download the corresponding driver for your operating system and follow on-screen prompts. Windows Driver | MacOS Driver

    Video tutorial here.

  • How can I change my device’s COM port?
      1. Click on Start and navigate to the Control Panel
      2. Locate and click on Device Manager
      3. Under “Ports (COM & LPT)” you will find your serial device titled “USB Serial Port” along with its current COM Port.
      4. Right click on “USB Serial Port” and click on Properties.
      5. Navigate to the “Port Settings” tab and click on “Advanced…”
      6. Once there, the “COM Port Number:” can be changed with a dropdown menu to select the port number.
      7. Click your desired port number (i.e. COM2) and click “OK”.
      8. Click “OK” once more.
      9. Your serial device is now assigned to your chosen COM Port.


  • How do I check to ensure the COM port is listed properly in Windows?
    To ensure your serial device is installed properly, complete the following:

    1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Device Manager. Once Run comes up, type “devmgmt.msc” into the text field and press Enter.
    2. Expand the section labeled, Ports (COM & LPT).
    3. You should now see a COM number in brackets to the right of each port. If the device is installed properly, no exclamation points or question marks should be present next to the device.
  • I have everything hooked up, but nothing is functioning correctly.
    To rule out potential issues, quickly test your individual components to ensure that they are working correctly individually, and are not the source of the problem:

    • Serial cables
    • Serial ports
    • Serial devices

    Test your components by:

    • Hook up the serial cable(s), serial port(s), and serial device(s) in a different setup to see if the issue stems from a particular component, or the setup as a whole.
    • Replace the serial cable, port, or device within your setup to further troubleshoot the issue’s origin.

    When testing cables:

    • Test each cable individually.
    • Use short cables when you are testing.

    When testing serial ports and devices:

    • Press the Windows key + R, in Run, type devmgmt.msc, and press Enter to open the Device Manager. You can then check to see if your device is listed under Ports (COM & LPT).
    • Ensure that the COM port number is the correct number for the serial device and that the software being used to connect the computer to the serial device uses the correct COM port number.
    • If the device is listed with an error, follow the instructions on the website to reinstall the drivers.
  • Serial communication is not functioning correctly, how can I tell if the problem caused by the adapter or my serial software application?
    Older serial communication applications make use of legacy hardware addresses, often incompatible with PCI, PCIe, and USB to Serial products. Contact the software provider to troubleshoot.
  • I am receiving an error when I try to install the drivers in Windows 8 64 bit.
    Driver Signature Enforcement in Windows 8 may need to be disabled in order to use various drivers. After disabling this feature, the driver will be allowed to install.

    Note: You are required to restart your computer after disabling the Driver Signature Enforcement. Save all open work on your computer.

    Disable driver signature enforcement:

    1. Press the Windows key + C.
    2. Click Settings > Change PC Settings.
    3. In the left pane, click General.
    4. In the right pane, under Advanced startup, click Restart now.

    When your system restarts:

    1. Click Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.
    2. Press 7.

    When your computer restarts, Driver Signature Enforcement will be disabled and you can install the drivers.

  • I am receiving an error when I try to install the drivers in Windows 10 64 bit.
    Driver Signature Enforcement in Windows 10 may need to be disabled in order to use various drivers. After disabling this feature, the driver will be allowed to install.

    Note: You are required to restart your computer after disabling the Driver Signature Enforcement. Save all open work on your computer.

    Disable Driver Signature Enforcement:

    1. Click the Windows icon in the taskbar.
    2. Click Power.
    3. Press and hold the Shift key and click Restart.

    After your computer restarts:

    1. Click Troubleshoot Advanced Options Startup Settings Restart.
    2. Press 7.

    When your computer restarts, Driver Signature Enforcement will be disabled and you can install the drivers.

  • Why did the software not install properly in macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later?
    High Sierra 10.13 and later versions of macOS enforce strict security policy revisions. In order for the device to operate, software packages like those used in this installation must be allowed in macOS Security and Privacy settings once the software is installed.

    Once the driver/software is installed, follow these steps to allow the software:

    1. Open System Preferences.
    2. Open Security & Privacy.
    3. Click the Allow button near the bottom of the General tab.
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